Friday, December 11, 2009


Christmas is right around the corner as well as the new year of 2010, meaning, a lot of us are about to begin making our New Year's Resolutions. A lot of times, we say that our resolution is to lose weight, or eat less sweets, or be more kind, or to volunteer more, things of that nature. But this year, one major step that a lot of us need to take in the new year is to decide to be free.

What do I mean? Be free? I'm not bound to anything, a lot of us are. When I say be free or be freed, I say that because a lot of us have been trapped all of our lives. A lot of us have been suffocating our entire lives, many of us have not had any fresh air to breathe for our entire lives. What are we trapped by? We're trapped by what people think about us, not just that, but we're also trapped by trying to meet the status quo of someone else, keeping up with the Jones' as a lot of people would say. This has many of us trapped!

We spend so much time trying to measure up to someone else that we don't even know who we are anymore, a lot of people spend so much time trying to be like someone else or trying to compete with someone else, their entire life has been nothing but a game of catch up and it's sucking the very life out of them. A lot of people are depressed, bitter, always looking upset, and it is for those very reasons. You weren't created to be like anyone else, and you weren't created to be someone's duplicate, or Christ would have just made two of that person.

Don't spend your life trying to measure up to someone else, and don't spend your life always comparing yourself to somebody else, it's honestly not worth it. Stop being governed by the opinions of others, stop listening to "If I were you, I would...." THEY'RE NOT YOU, that's the point. You have to learn how to make decisions for yourself and measure things up for yourself! Don't let other people make decisions for you because you will have to deal with the results and after effects of those decisions, not those people!

As we end this year, make the decision not to be trapped and make the decision to free yourself of others' expectations, others' decisions about your life, and others' opinions of you. I'm not saying disregard being held accountable for responsibility by others, I'm talking about when someone else is trying to completely and totally remake you and take you over, which happens to a lot of people. Wake up, keep on praying, and get your identity back, be you.

Over and Out

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