Saturday, November 21, 2009

Don't Digress, Move Up

Back in the day, gentlemen were just that, true gentlemen, we opened the door for our ladies, put our jackets over the puddle (definitely old school steeze), we pulled out the chair, put our jacket over them when they were cold, etc. Basically, we treated our lady or even a friend that was a young lady like she was gold, because that what she was right?
Guys used to go out of their way to impress a young lady, not only that, but it was like we were about to win a million bucks as cautious as men were when courting a young woman. But as time has gone on and as we've reached 2009, on the threshold of 2010, so much has changed, not only in our demeanor and our behavior, but our standards as well. Many have said chivalry is dead, it's not that chivalry is dead, but it's the fact that our change in standards as well as conduct has caused the opposite sex to respond in that manner.

Back in the day, there were two distinguished types of companions for males and females. You had the guy/girl that was presentable, that you took home to meet mama, and then you had the guy/girl that you knew for a fact would NEVER come home with you and NEVER meet your parents and your family, you knew not to even bring that person on the same block! But as time has continued to move, and the clock has continued to tick, slowly but surely, our standards have began to lower and lower. These days, we call having high standards being too shallow, we call being real judging people when it's not judging at all, you call a spade a spade. Judging is simply speaking on something that you know nothing about and giving it a conclusion or verdict, before you even know all of the facts. But, if something is out in the open, and you call it out, that's not judging at all, you're calling it how you see it.

In this day and age, too many of us are trying to turn that rebel, that hoe, that slore, that person that you would never bring home, we're trying to turn that person into the one who we bring home to meet the folks, into the one that we treat like gold. But that's because so many of us are so anxious to be in a relationship, and so anxious to put a title on someone that we've lowered our standards to get there. You won't be respectful or show chivalry to someone who presents them self as a hoe or as a rebel. In some cases, people do, but let's be realistic, it's all in how you present yourself as well as how you carry yourself, not only that, but the type of lifestyle that you live.

Don't become so anxious to be "booed up" that you lower your standards just to have someone to call your own, because people can cause you to digress, people can pull you down, not only that, but can take you through so much that you don't have to go through. Keep your standards up, go for people that can challenge you to become better, those who will do well by you and those who have their head on straight. So many females are after the thug and after the male that's into the street life, thinking that the respectable and nice guys are too "weak." That is one of the biggest deceptions that many females believe. Males always go out saying "where da hoes at," if you look for a hoe, you will find her, but that's not what you want, so all I'm saying is, raise your standards, you're better than that, don't be anxious just to get into a relationship, sometimes being single is healthy, it gives you the opportunity to polish your relationship with God as well as learn more about you and work on you.

That's all folks.
Yup yup

1 comment:

  1. But what do you think was the cause of our standards to fall? Did one gender lower their standards? Did both?? What caused this social change?
