Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Analysis

There comes a time in every person's life, especially when in their young age, that they must sit down and evaluate their life. Evaluate meaning, sit down and think about decisions that you have made, the good and the bad, while also evaluating where you are in life and if you are getting closer to your purpose.

A lot of us are in places right now that we may not want to be or we may feel unfulfilled, or we may be doing so much but at the same time feel like there is something missing. But a lot of us have not took the time out to stop and look over where we are and what we're doing. Your talent can not be all that there is to you, the amount of people that know you can not be where your confidence lies, and working to please everyone is not what you were made for.

You will not know what your purpose is or why you were placed in this world until you talk to the person that gave you your purpose and formed you from the inside out, the Lord Jesus Christ.

When evaluating yourself and looking at where you are and the road that you're walking down, always remember that if you do the same things that you will get the same results. So, if you wonder why you've been stuck in the same place going through the same cycle for years, look at the decisions that you've been making, the people that you hang around, and what you place so much emphasis in.

You can't live up to the expectations of others and you can't work to chase an image of what others have painted for you, it's like chasing an allusion. Bottom line, take time out to pray, meditate, and evaluate the road that you're on and where you are going, or else you will continue to walk blindly into an area that you know not of.

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